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Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IIT-R), formerly the University of Roorkee (1948-2001) and the Thomason College of Civil Engineering (1853-1948), is a public universitylocated in Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India. Established in 1847 in British India by the then lieutenant governor, Sir James Thomason, it was given university status in 1949 and was converted into an Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in 2001, thus becoming the seventh IIT to be declared.The Department of Mathematics of IIT-KGP offers degrees at undergraduate level ,postgraduate level along with PhD degree and provide country-renowned teachers.

Students at DIPS Academy,slanged as DIPSites with their solidarity, come from all parts of the country to learn mathematics .DIPSites have always been and will always be crucial to the success and strength of our academy that has produced a long list of eminent DIPSites whose hard work and dedication toward study can easily be seen by their results. Here is the list of the DIPSites who are making a difference and giving back to DIPS Academy in countless ways by studying or studied at IIT-R (For more details please visit at https://www.iitr.ac.in


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