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IIT-JAM Statistics 2026

Stats WCP
Weekend Classroom Program For IIT JAM STATS (ONLINE)
₹ 23,000 (Including 18% GST)

Batch Starting 25th Jan 2025



JAM which is condensed type of (Joint Admission Test) for M.Sc. (JAM) led by Indian Institution of Science (IISc) Bangalore and IITs for the affirmation in Ph.D. Degree programs at IISc, Bangalore and M.Sc. (Two Years), Joint M. Sc. - PhD Dual Degree, Joint M.Sc. – PhD, M. Sc. - M. tech, M.Sc. – M.S. (Research)/PhD Dual Degree and other Post-Bachelor's Degree Programs at IITs. The principle target of this exam is to combine Science as a profession choice for splendid Students the nation over. The scholastic condition, interdisciplinary communication and research foundation which is given to the candidate at these best Institutes like IISC Bangalore and IITs propel the researchers seek after their vocation not just in the innovative work of essential Science yet additionally in the interdisciplinary territories of Science and Technology

What is New?

(a) As per notification from IIT Guwahati, Bachelor’s Degree in Statistics is not compulsory to appear in IIT JAM 2023 for MSc in Statistics.

(b) From the year 2017, Examination of JAM led online for all Test Papers as Computer based Test (CBT). The greater part of the papers of JAM will be of Objective Type with three unique examples of question which are portrayed as underneath:

1. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ): Under this segment, each question has four options out of which just a single one is right.

2. Multiple Select Questions (MSQ): This segment of question is pretty much normal with upper segment with the main distinction that in this sort of question that more than one answer is correct.

3. Numerical Answer Type (NAT) Question: In this sort of question you need to type answers with the assistance of virtual keypad on the screen.

All applicants need to apply ONLINE

As per the new pattern everyone need to apply online for the exam. They need to transfer it on the site, NO printed versions of records are to engage which are sent to the Organization. Again, no printed copy of score card will be sent to the qualified students by the Organizing Institute. You can download it specifically from the site.

Question Paper Pattern for JAM Stats

IIT JAM Syllabus is vital for the planning of the exam. You should know the total syllabus before beginning your readiness. You can check the entire at IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics Syllabus.
The Mathematical Statistics (MS) test paper includes in two sections.
-Mathematics which has 30% weightage in the exam.
-Statistics which has 70% weightage in the exam.
Paper is of Objective Type with three distinct segments of Questions. These segments are separated as A, B and C. All segments are mandatory. Question in each segment are of various kinds which are depicted as given underneath:

Segment – A: Total number of Question in this segment is 30 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) having one or two marks each. Each Question has four options among them just a single decision is right.

Segment – B: Total number of Question in this segment is 10 having two marks each. Each Question has four options among them more than one can be right. These kinds of Question are called Multiple Correct Question.

Segment – C: Total quantities of Question in this area are 20 conveying one or two marks each. Under these segments of Question candidate ought to compose the appropriate response with the assistance of the virtual console. No choices will be appeared for these sorts of Questions. These Questions are called Numerical Answer Type Question (NAT).

Marking Scheme

Segment – A (MCQ) wrong answer will bring about negative imprints.
For every one of the 1 Mark Questions, 1/3 will be deducted for each wrong answer.
For every one of the 2 marks Question, 2/3 will be deducted for each wrong answer.
Segment – B (MSQ) and Segment – C (NAT) there are no negative imprints.

Marking Scheme

On Screen virtual calculator will be accessible for the student to do the calculations in the exams as a Physical Calculators, Diagrams, Graph Sheets, Cellular Phone, Tables or any sort of electronic devices not permitted in the examination lobby.

For Rough Work a scribble pad will be given to every applicant whom to be returned back before the end of the examination. The candidate required to pick the response for MCQ and MSQ question type and needs to enter the appropriate response with the assistance of the mouse (as the console will be debilitated). Toward the end of the examination PC screen will be close to additionally activities.



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Which is the best online coaching centre for IIT JAM Mathematics, and Statistics?

Firstly, we never suggest any student to go for coaching, and any hard working student having a good foundation on all topics can easily qualify the JAM Maths exam. DIPS is an academy for Mathematical higher learning that helps to build the foundation of students so that they are able to become Mathematicians and able to crack all Mathematical Examination.

How do I prepare for IIT JAM Mathematical Statistics?

Few Suggestions given by our faculty
  1. Look at the Syllabus in detail and compare it with your BSc Syllabus. If there are areas which are not covered in your B.Sc. Syllabus, then try to cover them. Broadly speaking, try to cover the maximum possible syllabus
  2. Go through the last year question paper and find the weightage of all the topics,
  3. Focus on your Strength, make sure that you have full command over the topic of your strength. Kindly note, that You don’t have to score 100% to qualify the exam, if you just get 70~ 80% you will be among leading rank holders
  4. It’s a multiple choice question Paper and you should answer all the questions in a limited time, so practice hard to complete the paper in stipulated time.
  5. It’s a Multiple Choice Question paper and you should answer all the questions in a limited time, so practice hard to complete the paper in stipulated time.
  6. Focus on the basics and fundamentals of all topics.
  7. Solve at least 7 – 10 problems in each topic for attaining accuracy.
  8. Practice all the problems in previous question papers.

Which IIT is best for M.Sc. mathematics?

All the 21 IITs provide MSc Maths or Msc Maths & Computing. The Older IIT’s like IIT Delhi, IIT Mumbai, IIT Roorkee, IIT Kharagpur and IIT Kanpur has established facilities and are ranked better than the newly established IIT, Few new IIT’s like IIT Hyderabad is also ranked better

Is it easy to crack the IIT JAM mathematical statistics?

The syllabus of MSc Maths and Statistics are different. In mathematical statistics syllabus, 60% weightage is given to statistics. So, if you are strong in statistics, then undoubtedly mathematical statistics will be easier for you.

Can I write a JAM exam for both Maths and Mathematical Statistics in the same year?

Yes, you can write both the exams in the same year, the timings of the exam are generally different. You just have to select both the exam option while filling the JAM application form.

What are the cut off marks in IIT JAM in mathematical statistics for general students?

The exam cut off varies every year, cut off depends on the complexity of the paper. Generally the cut off varies from 50% to 65% , if you target for 70% marks then you can easily clear the exam.

What are career options after M.Sc. mathematics or mathematical Statistics?

There are Multiple career opportunities after completing MSc from IITs. A few career options are continuing in academics , market research/ data science, and research and development.

How long is the IIT JAM crash course? Is it useful?

For IIT JAM maths crash course is not necessary for all the students, However if you want to brush up on all your concepts, need some guidance, motivation and want to give a few preparatory tests before the main exam it would be quite helpful.

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