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Welcome to the best Gate Course Coaching center in Delhi & India

These are the full length programs for the GATE Aspirants which are looking for classroom coaching program for their exams. These classes are schedule in such a way, so that it keeps running over the time of 1-2 month, when classes are facilitated 2-4 days in a week contributing 4 hours well ordered. The program is laid out in such a way, to the point that every single student can comprehend the themes of subject and gets indistinguishable chance to dislike the other training organization which overburden the brain of understudy with broad informational modules and because of this they get confounded with the course. There is a novel strategy to follow in the DIPS Academy and that structure is to see the understudy according to their understanding level and help them to crack the examination according to their comprehension. In Classroom program we follow MYTh pedagogy which is to make math more enjoyable and understanding rather to create fear for it. MYTh helps to remove myth about math’s terror and helps student to ask doubt freely as many time as they wanted till the time they understood the concept properly. In this pedagogy we build environment where in students are induced to raise doubt themselves and help to explore more so that understanding can flow to them automatically. DIPS Academy is acclaimed among the student in perspective of this remarkable approach which is followed in our foundation and other instructing are not enthused about knowing the student and guide them according to their understanding level with the target that he/she takes the most advantage from our training. There is two program under GATE Statistics RCP to choose from, as below;


A regular classroom program is a full length program of 2 months consisting of 4 hours class on each day . The class will be for 5 days in a week i.e., it is a program of 160 hours.It is mainly for the students of Statistics domain. It is basically a program for the aspirants of Gate Statistics who wants to outshine and explore the field of Statistics .This program is exclusively for the Students who purposely only wants to prepare for Gate Statistics .

The program covers the topics of Statistics as follows:

1.Basic Probability Concepts
2.Stochastic Process
4.Regression analysis
5.Multivariate analysis
6.Design of Experiment

Also, the program covers the topics of Mathematics as follows:

1.Linear algebra

What is included?

1. Class Room Program – 160 Hour, 4 HR per day, 2 Month
2. Online Test Series
3. Practice test
4. Doubt Session
5. Study Material
6. Mobile APP

2. GATE STATISTICS Complementary (with NET Mathematics)

A regular classroom program is a full length program of 1 month consisting of 4 hours class on each day . The class will be for 5 days in a week i.e., it is a program of 64 hours. It is mainly for the students of Statistics domain. It is basically a program for the aspirants of Gate Statistics 2019 who wants to outshine ,explore and widen the area of opportunities in the field of Mathematics and Statistics .This program is exclusively for the Students who purposely wants to prepare for NET Mathematics and Gate Statistics.

The program covers the topics of Statistics apart from the topics covered in NET Mathematicsas follows:

1 Few concepts of Basic Probability
2 Regression analysis
3 Multivariate analysis
4 Design of Experiment

Also, the program covers the topics of Mathematics apart from the topics covered in NET Mathematicsas follows:


What is included?

1. Class Room Program – 64 Hour, 4 HR per day, 1 Month
2. Online Test Series
3. Practice test
4. Doubt Session
5. Study Material
6. Mobile APP

For Jia Sarai(South Delhi)

Course Name Starting Date Admission Schedule
GATE STAT Coming Soon Apply Now



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