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About GATE

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an all India examination that basically tests the extensive comprehension of the competing students in numerous subjects in Engineering/Technology/Architecture and post-graduate level subjects in Science. The GATE score of an applicant shows a level of performance in a specific subject at that point of the exam over quite a long while. The score is considered for admissions to post-graduate projects (e.g. M.E., M. Tech, coordinates Ph.D.) in Indian establishments of advanced education with monetary help gave by MHRD and other Government organizations. The score may likewise be taken into account by Public and Private Sector Undertakings for giving employment to the candidate.

The Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and seven Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs at Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras and Roorkee) mutually manage the whole process of GATE Examination. The tasks related to GATE in every one of the 8 zones are overseen by a zonal GATE Office at the IITs or IISc. The Organizing Institute (OI) is in charge of the end-to-end process and coordination among the managing Institutes.

Basic Features of GATE 2017

1.Examination paper of GATE will be conducted by ONLINE Computer Based Test (CBT). This paper has a variety of questions, including Multiple Choice Question, Multiple Select Question and Numerical Answer Type Question which must be filled by the candidate by using the virtual keyboard during the exam.

2.Exam Hall Ticket and Biometric Information such as fingerprints, photograph can be checked of any candidate at the exam center before the commencement of Exam.

3.Exact details related to your Examination will be notified to you before the exam.

4.A candidate can only register for the examination through the website. All the process like uploading of certificates/document, filling up of application form will be done online. No document will be entertained, which will directly send it to any zonal office.

5.The candidate should submit the payment of an application by any medium like net banking, debit/credit card, e-Challan etc.

6.Admit Cards also delivered through online process only. Hall Ticket, or admit cards can be downloaded from the website. As the exam conducting body does not deliver any kind of hard copy of admit card by the medium of mail or courier.

Eligibility for GATE

There is no age limit for GATE. You may need a Master’s degree in any branch of Mathematics/Science/ Computer Applications/ Statistics or equivalent. Students currently in the final year i.e. final year of Int. B.Sc. or already completed can apply for GATE.

Pattern of Questions

There will be two different types of questions in the paper:

(i)Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) : having 1 or 2 marks each. These questions are objective type, having four choices to answer, out of which one will be correct. There will be negative marking for wrongly answered questions. For 1-mark question, 1/3 mark will be deducted for a wrong answer and for 2-mark question, 2/3 mark will be deducted for a wrong answer.

(ii)Numerical Answer Type (NAT) :Questions will carry 1 or 2 marks each. A signed real number will be the answer to such questions, which candidate has to enter using the virtual numeric keypad on the monitor (keyboard of the computer will be disabled). No options will be given for such type of questions. NAT questions will not have negative marking.

Marking scheme

General Aptitude (GA) Questions In paper carry a total of 15 marks this section will have 5 questions carrying one mark each and 5 questions carrying two marks each. Question Paper will have 25 questions carrying one mark each and 30 questions carrying two marks each consisting of both the MCQs and NAT.


It is a new identity for the students of Statistics domain. As, it’s a upgradation because Statistics got a unique place in the society as other subjects. It is a big opportunity for the extent of Statistics student as now they don’t have to study pure as well as applied part of Mathematics forcefully for the clearance of the examination. Now, they can study pure and applied part of Statistics. Also, the demand for Statistics is much more these days and the recruitment can be done with GATE score in some PSU’s such as DRDO , ISRO, etc.



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