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UPSC Test Series

UPSC Test Series crafted by LEADER

As we are leader in Mathematics, students are demanding test series for UPSC-IAS exam since long. Perhaps they wanted to have same height of success, as CSIR NET and IIT JAM aspirants are getting from DIPS Academy. Keeping in view these students, DIPS Academy initiating Test Series for UPSC IAS Mains as well. These test series will have same level of difficulty and will help learners how to approach such papers. Since DIPS Academy is technology led organisation, we tried to ease the process of examination through digital intervention. From last 20 years, our online test series for CSIR NET, JAM, GATE is very popular and most demanding amongst students due to its level of questions and accuracy. We have maintained the same while crafting the UPSC IAS test series.

Our Test Series is very unique as it has various salient Features which are not available in the test Series of Other Institute.

Salient Features of UPSC Online Test Series

COMFORT : By joining our test series you have the freedom to practice the exam paper without compromising your comfort zone. As you have the freedom to write the exam from your home.

MOBILITY :You can access our test series at anytime, anywhere and also on any device which is not possible with any other test series.

SOLUTION :After submitting the paper you will get the complete solution of the question within stipulated time . In this way you also can evaluate your exam, just after submitting the paper which is also a unique feature.

EVALUATION : You don’t have to courier the answer copy. Just click the clear pic of your answer copy and upload on mobile app, it is that simple. When you submit the answers in the app, our team download the hard copy from it and evaluate the complete answer sheet by highlighting the wrong portion and same will be share with you so that you can see your mistakes.

RANKING :You also provided with the cumulative ranking according to the solution of your answer sheet among the total number of students which are going to appear in our test series.

DIGITAL INDIA :Our Founder Mr. Rajendra Dubey supports the approach of Digital India, which is promoted by our Prime Minister of India and thus we are starting the complete test Series for the UPSC Aspirants which is digitally inspired and easy to write.

Process to follow in Online Test Series

Students should follow the below process to take part in this Unique Online Test Series
1. Download the DIPS App on your mobile phone.
2.Enter the provided user Id and Password in it.
3.Download the Question paper from the app.
4.Solve the complete answer paper on any blank sheet, neatly.
5.Click the photo of your answer sheet from your phone.
6.Attach the photo in the app with the provided Button.
7.Get the complete Solution of the paper just after submitting the pic.
8.The evaluation process will take at least 7 working Days or more.
9.Get the Evaluate copy of your answer sheet.
10.Get your rank among the appearing student.



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