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JAM Online Video Lecture

Our Videos are most recommended for those students who are not able to attain classroom program. These students can buy our Video Lecture Program for their preparation of IIT JAM Exam. Our Video Lectures are recorded from the classroom directly so that it contains the classroom rhythm and flow in it. Whole video is recorded in HD Format so that you can find extreme Video and Audio Quality. You can repeat the video and you have already granted enough time so that you can learn the concept at your own pace. Even our Regular Classroom Students are depending on these Videos in case if they skip any class or they want to learn any topic again. Students like our video so much that it becomes our highest selling product. In these video lectures you will find liveliness since it is recorded live from classroom not like other institutes Videos which are recorded in the studio. It is done so that you may not feel bored by continuous watching Videos and they are so interactive that you would start loving this form of studying.

Highlights of IIT JAM Video Lecture

High Definition Videos

Slides of the Digital Board

Android App Facility Approx 35000+ Previous Year Question (Diff. Exams)

Doubts Clearing through Email

Video Available only on Android App

Complementary Test Series

*Unlimited Watch Time



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