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Research and Development wing

We are very much serious about the content to be provided to the student must be comprehensive, as per quality required and ample for exam preparation. And this is not the one day task. It’s a continuous process to be followed rigorously, and that’s why we have dedicated research and content development team working on it.

Our 25 Years of experience and domain expertise played a significant role in improving the content. It is not something that can be done over-night. Every six month we update and revise our content so that our student be up to date.

These content we adopt in classroom teaching, in printed materials that we provide to the students, question papers and assignments. We have very large collection of questions that help students to practice on.

Our online test series is very popular amongst the student who are aspirants of CSIR NET or IIT JAM or GATE. There is simple reason because questions are always new and as per the syllabus. To prepare these questions, our R&D team plays important part.

Our R&D team helps us to be different from others and contribute in student success dominantly.



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