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About DU University M.Sc Entrance

M.A./M.Sc Admission For admission notice for the academic year 2018-19, visit the PG Admission Portal. Registration is only through online portal and you can register now. Last date for registration is June 7, 2018.

M.A./M.Sc Admission
For admission notice for the academic year 2018-19, visit the PG Admission Portal. Registration is only through online portal and you can register now. Last date for registration is June 7, 2018.

M.A./ M.Sc. Course. MA (Mathematics) and MSc (Mathematics) are one and the same course. If the student has taken BA, he/she is given MA; if one has BSc, then he/she get MSc.; thus there is no separate reservation for MA or MSc.. The duration of this program is two years. Students will be admitted to the M.A./M.Sc. program either directly (Mode I) or through an entrance test (Mode II). Applicant graduated under 10+2+3 scheme or any equivalent scheme are eligible for admission. There are 308 seats in North Campus, 62 in South Campus and 75 in Non-Collegiate Women's Education Board (NCWEB) for M.A./M.Sc. programme in Mathematics.

Each course will carry 100 marks and have two components: Internal Assessment 30% marks and End-Semester Examination 70% marks. Examinations for courses shall be conducted only in the respective odd and even Semesters as per the Scheme of Examinations. Regular as well as Ex-students shall be permitted to appear/re-appear/improve in courses of Odd Semesters only at the end of Odd Semester and courses of Even Semesters only at the end of Even Semesters. A student will be promoted to second year if he/she pass at least 4 courses of the first year.



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